Students in grades K-5 benefit from differentiated instruction in five areas at OSCS.
Content: Students will understand and master Florida’s benchmarks by being exposed to a variety of resource materials and challenging texts. Content can be centered on problems and challenges, the level of complexity is more in depth and pacing is sometimes accelerated. The areas of study are cross-curriculum, where there is a seamless approach with the concepts.
Process: The various learning styles of the student are taken and nurtured to best suit his/her needs. The approach focuses on the multiple intelligences, flexible grouping and problem solving tasks. It encompasses creative and productive thinking, an attitude of inquiry and creates opportunities to share meaningful research.
Product: Students choose to illustrate and demonstrate their understanding of the content and process. Products reflect the individual students’ talents and curiosities; be an actual product, presentation, performance, independent study, exhibition, essay or work of art.
Environment: The learning atmosphere is challenging and differentiated. Students can become a mentor; work with mentors and/or set reasonable goals with the teacher. Flexible time limits are considered. Students chose from a variety of after school clubs to attend (Science Olympiad, Math Olympiad, Junior FLL, Art Club, Drama Club, Newspaper and National Honor Society).
Assessment: Students adhere to the state and county formal assessments in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, Science and Writing. Students also demonstrate their understanding of mastery through teacher created rubrics, independent study and research projects and student portfolios.